This is a blogsite created by some students of University of the Philippines - Asian Institute of Tourism. From the usual class reporting, we are bringing out the students' research on Domestic Tourism. Feel free to read and make comments. Let us know how we can improve this site.

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Nov 9, 2014

Souvenirs: Bringing home memories of ARMM

You're about to leave, armed with travel pack and hiking boots, geared and ready to fly solo (or with buddies) to places your heart wishes to take you.
When suddenly in the distance you hear a faint, but clear shout:

"Please bring us souvenirs when you get back!"

What traveler hasn't heard of this puppy-eyed statement from friends, neighbors, relatives or even acquaintances?

With a reluctant sigh, that has unfortunately escaped most travelers' lips,  a slight eye-roll, and a tepid smile, you give a nod and take hold of your wallet, saying a tearful goodbye to every penny you've scraped up for this trip.

And yet you do it.

For friendship! For love!
Onward, brave human! Bring home memories of ARMM!
Share it with the world!

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