Oct 26, 2014

10 Famous Foods to Die For in MIMAROPA

By Phoebea Co and Ally Dizon

The Philippines is famous for its "Lutong Bahay" (home-made) cuisine (Image Source)

The Filipino culture is very well-acquainted with different types of cuisines, indeed. Every province has its distinct and particular tastes, and still have their similarities in style, finesse, and delivery. You'll be surprised what this country has in store with your stomachs! Because we all know one thing: it's that Filipinos take utter delight in eating!

Now if you're up for a diverse and eccentric food adventure, Region 4-B has a wide galore of dishes and treats for you! Read along and -try- not to get too hungry for these upcoming scrumptious dishes.

Are your tissues (you know, to wipe off the drool off your face) ready for this? Then let's go! Nom-nom-nom!

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