Nov 10, 2014

Souvenirs in Region 8: Eastern Visayas

I always want to come home from a place with something special with me. A memory that I have been to that place with all the happy memories. Pictures can be deleted online but having souvenirs makes me smile - knowing that I have a hold of those precious memories. 


These are made from "Banig" and are among the souvenirs that can be found in Tacloban's public market.
Photo by: Romsanne Ortiguero,


It's always better to bring home food to your family. It's like making them taste the culture of the place you have been to. Here are moron and binagol that will surely satisfy your sweet tooth!

Mat Weaver

This is found in Basey, Samar. Other handcrafted items are made here which are all made up of sedge grass locally known as tikog or fimbristylis milliacea or tikog grass.

Pandan Box

This braided box is made out of raw natural straws called "Pandan" leaves from the province of Leyte.

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