Oct 11, 2014

BATANGAS PROVINCE: Land of Rolling Hills and Wide Shore Lands

Hamilo Coast
                                                        Hamilo Coast
Just 2-3 hours South of the megacity of Manila is Batangas, an unassuming province rich with a lively past, history, folklore, nature and stretches of excellent beaches and the most accessible dive sites teeming with marine life. You can define this province in one word: AMAZING.
Having said that Batangas Province is a “Land of Rolling Hills and Wide Shore Lands”, it will surely mesmerize your minds. Batangas City is the capital of this wonderful province (yes, Batangas City) with Cavite Province in its North, Laguna Province in its Northeast, Quezon Province in its East, Verde Island Passage and Mindoro Island in its South and the West Philippine Sea in its West. READ MORE


  1. when i took a vacation in batangas.it gave me peace of mind and i truly like the place. a very nice place!
